Worried – Excessive Worry


Dictionary.com defines the word worry or worried as a troubled state of mind, anxiety or uneasiness. Chronic worriers have difficulty with the unknowing. Being unable to predict the outcome of a situation is a worriers worst nightmare. They go over different possible outcomes repeatedly in their head with an attempt to predict what will and can happen. The problem with this is that it doesn’t work. If you suffer from worried thoughts or anxiety, try these five tips to stop worrying.

Adopt a realistic approach. Constant worrying can cloud judgment and you may find that you are not thinking reasonably.

Focus on what is causing the worry and look at it for what it is. Do not try to overanalyze the situation or find solutions to it. Allowing situations to play out naturally will ease the worry.Also don’t take the all-or-nothing approach. Realize that there can be a middle ground to situations.

Get enough Sleep. Sleeping is our body’s natural way to reset. Without sleep, our body’s ability to cope with our worries is compromised. People who worry find themselves up at night with their thoughts racing. Try reading or exercising before bed to alleviate stress and get your mind of those worrisome thoughts. If you have dificulties try Sleep Problems.

Diet and exercise can play a crucial role in worry and stress. Find a healthy balance of the right foods and exercise regularly. Exercising alone will help clear your mind and cause you to relax. Avoid foods that are high in caffeine and sugar as they promote anxiety and worry.

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Stay positive. Thinking negatively in a situation can cause tremendous worry. Try to focus on the positives of the situation instead of the negatives. Do not use past negative experience as a predictor of the current one. View each situation differently and having various outcomes. Learning from past mistakes can help alleviate the worry of failure and help improve future experiences. Check Improve Your Attitude

Progressive Muscle Relaxation or PMR is a technique that focuses on tensing and relaxing muscles that can help the body relax and ease the torment of worrying. Since muscle tension accompanies anxiety, this is a great way to relieve fretful thoughts. Lie or site down in a comfortable position and focus on each group of muscles.

Start in your hands, move up to your head, then down your abdomen, to your legs and finally to your feet. Tense each group for approximately 20 seconds, then release for 30 seconds. Try to focus on alleviating stress each time the muscle relaxes. Repeat this procedure two to three times. (Jacobson, 1920). Check Relaxation techniques

Practicing these tips daily can help in alleviating the stressors in your life that cause worry. Make a list and check each one off everyday so that you can relax and live a worry-free existence.

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