What is Happiness? Why is Important? And 16 Tips To Be Happier

what is happiness


Happiness is defined as a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy [1].

Some other ways to define happiness are:

  1. True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. This definition of happiness by Helen Keller.
  2. Happiness is man’s greatest aim in life. Tranquility and rationality are the cornerstones of happiness. This definition of happiness by Epicures.
  3. Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself. Og Mandino.
  4. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. This definition of happiness by Aristotle.
  5. Happiness ain’t a thing in itself–it’s only a contrast with something that ain’t pleasant. This definition of happiness by Mark Twain.
  6. Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, And the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. This definition of happiness by Buddha.
  7. By all means marry: If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher. This definition of happiness by Socrates.
  8. To be truly happy and contented, you must let go of what it means to be happy or content. This definition of happiness by Confucius.
  9. Happiness can be defined, in part at least, as the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually. This definition of happiness by Stephen Covey.
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Why Happiness Is Important?

Happiness is important because can help us achieve many personal ambitions and goals. Happiness can also change many other lives just by being ourselves.

Happiness make us more compassionate, more creative, more energetic, more financially successful etc. Happiness is not only important to our personal lives but is also important to our global community.

Another reason why happiness is important is that positive feelings change the chemical make up of our bodies, producing chemicals that enhance immunity and cell repair, therefore, happiness is important for a healthy body.

Happiness makes easier to be romantically involved and have multiple close friendships. Happier people are more attractive

16 Tips To Be Happier

Get to know 10 tips to be happy now. If you feel downtrodden, then you must seek ways to bounce back and make yourself happier now. To be happy is to be contented of what is taking place in your life, is to find meaning for your life and, finally, happines comes when you find peace as you live.

  1. Have a positive outlook. Life is full of negative happenings. There are unfortunate events everyday and sometimes, they came in hordes. It would be wise to be happy inspite of this. Search for good meanings out of even the direst situation. If possible, take a laugh at anytime in anyhow.
  2. Smile at bad treatments. Not everyone will like you. Others will intend to hurt you and it can be really painful when the intent is coming from people who are important to you. Perhaps, they are just out to stop you from succeeding further, so just smile in return. Keep yourself away from hunger.
  3. Enjoy every step you take in your life. Remember, you will not be able to accomplish every goal in the world. At best, you can accomplish a thing or two. Take things slowly. Don’t keep that heart beating endlessly. Enjoy every step of the way by not thinking beyond what you can do.
  4. Keep your relationships. You are sailing on the sea of life alone. Two heads are better than one and a helping hand is better than working alone. How good it is that you can share your toils with people that you love. Keep these people. Who are you going to share your laurels with?.
  5. Take time off. You deserve a time to spend by yourself. This is to rejuvenate after a long time of serving the interest of others. This is also to savor the benefits of your accomplishments. You deserve to rejoice over days of working hard.
  6. Exert no energy for unimportant matters. In everything that you do, make sure you are spending time and effort for essential matters. In fact, it sometimes feel better to learn how to cook a dish or two than hopping bars on a drinking spree with friends, or walking the dog than painfully figuring out why your wife is late from shopping.
  7. You need help, ask assistance. You were not born to become a superhero. Accept assistance after accepting your limitations. Be gratefull about people who extend help.
  8. Overcome self. Break off from negative behaviors and habits. Make yourself happy by thinking that you can do it and make it happen.
  9. Improve from criticism. Have a positive disposition about criticisms. Remember that you are not perfect and you that you need to see yourself from others’ eyes. Be thankful for these criticisms. Accept, rather than reject, these criticisms. These are the mirror through which you really would like to know yourself more.
  10. Choose hobbies you enjoy.
  11. Choose your thoughts. We become what we think . Happy people actively choose to think these happy thoughts therefore they are optimistic.
  12. Feel Appreciation. Appreciation is the ability to see the positive in something more strongly than the negative.
  13. Feel Gratitude.
  14. Forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the hate and anger
  15. Choose to Give. Happy people give to others and that giving to others makes them happy.
  16. Choose a Spiritual Life.
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Finally, when you think about these 16 tips to be happy now, that is the time to really feel happy, because at the very least, you still feel you want to do your best to find happiness.


Happiness is the undying quest of life. Happiness is what we all seek for. As Harrison Ford said: “Being happy is something you have to learn. I often surprise myself by saying “Wow, this is it. I guess I’m happy. I got a home I love. A career that I love. I’m even feeling more and more at peace with myself.” If there’s something else to happiness, let me know. I’m ambitious for that, too.”

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