List Of Emotions

list of emotions

Learn to identify any emotion and its meaning. I would like to share with you the most common emotions. Start learning to identify each . You can use this list when you feel difficult to verbalizing how you feel.

Emotion List  Articles List
AbandonedAn emotional state in which people feel discarted, undesired, left behind.Fear of Abandonment
AfflictedTo be distress by a physical problem or mental function or even monotony. 
AfraidFilled with fear, apprehension or regret over an unwanted situation. 
AggravatedTo feel annoyed or bothered. 
AgressiveTo feel or show aggression. To use forceful methods to succeed. 
ApprehensiveAnxious or fearful about the future. Uneasy. 
AstonishedTo fill with sudden wonder or amazement. 
AngryDispleasure , hostility. An emotional state that may range in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage. [1]Anger Articles
AnnoyedTo feel disturbed or troubled, evoking moderate anger. Annoy refers to mild disturbance that can be caused by an act that triggers one’s patience. 
AnxiousAn abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension often marked by physiological signs . Sweating, tension, and increased pulse. [6]Articles on Anxiety
AppreciationAdmiration, approval, gratitude. 
ArroganceThe feeling that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people. 
BetrayedTo feel harmed when you have trusted them. 
BoredLack of interest. 
CalmWhen not feeling nervousness, anger, or other emotions. 
CheerfulGood humor, happy. 
CertainSure to come or happen; inevitable. Established beyond doubt or question; indisputable. Having confidence; assured [9] 
ComfortableFree from stress or anxiety; at ease. Ease and security feelings [11] 
ConfusedBeing unable to think with clarity or act with understanding. 
ConfidentAn unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings. 
DefensiveProtecting oneself from emotional pain. 
Determinedarked by or showing determination; resolute. [10] 
DepressedPessimistic sense of inadequacy , lack of activity. [3]
DispleasedDissatisfied or dislike. 
DistractedMentally confused. 
DistressedWhen a person gets very upset 
DisturbedTo interrupt order, peace , quiet and also interfere with  
DissatisfiedExhibiting lack of satisfaction. 
Disgust Feeling of aversion towards sight, smell, touch, sound, taste, by people, ideas or actions. 
DisappointedDisappointments may be caused by not meeting one’s expectations. Every single person has a specific set of standards. This serves as the personal quality control of the individual. 
EnthusiasmA strong excitement of feeling. Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause. 
EnvyPainful or resentful emotion. Awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage. 
FascinatedTo hold an intense interest or attraction. 
FrustratedA deep dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs.
GuiltCulpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy. [2] . 
GratefulThe state of being grateful; thankfulness. 
GriefIntense sorrow especially caused by someone’s death. 
HappinessHappiness is defined as a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy [8]
HopeTo cherish a desire with anticipation. To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment. 
JealousThoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival.
LoveA strong affection for another.
NegativeBeing pessimistic, expressing disagreement or refusal. 
OffendedTo result in displeasure. 
OptimisticExpecting the best in this best of all possible worlds. 
OverwhelmedVery intense and hard to deal with 
PatientHaving or showing patience. 
PrideExaggerated positive evaluation of oneself based on a devaluation of others. [4] 
Regretsorrow, repentance , disappointment. 
ResentfulA feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury.[7]
RelaxedNot agitated or disturbed emotionally. Free from worry or anxiety.[13] 
SadUnhappy. Feeling sorrow .
Self-pityA self-indulgent dwelling on one’s own sorrows or misfortunes. [5] An estate of mind of an individual in perceived adverse situations who has not accepted the situation. And does not have the ability to cope with it . 
ShameA condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute. Shamery is also a central feature of punishment, shunning, or ostracism. In addition, shame is often seen in victims that had suffered child neglect or child abuse. And a host of other crimes against children.
StressedYou’ve heard people say that an idle mind is the devil’s playground. They forgot to mention that stress plays along too. Stress affects all people because stressors are everywhere. They can be face, the nosy fellow sitting right next to a person’s office desk, a two-figure bank account or the country’s declining economic standing. 
SurprisedAstonished by something unexpected 
TrustFirm belief in reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something. 
VitalityPhysical or mental vigor especially when highly developed. The capacity to live, grow, or develop. 
VulnerableFeeling exposed to being attacked or harmed. 
WorriedAnxious over actual or potential difficulties. 

1 . July, 2008, from
2 . Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Guilt . July, 2008, from “Self-pity”. from “Resentments”. July, 2008, from
3 . The Free Dictionary by Farlex. Depression. July, 2008, from
4 . A View on Buddhism. “Other Delussions”. Retrieved July, 2008, from
6 Anxiety. July, 2008, from
8. Happiness. August, 2009, from
9. Certain. 2011, from
10. determined. 2011, from
11. comfortable. 2011, from
12. Fascinated. 2011, from
13. Relaxed. 2011, from

See also  Understanding Self-Harm

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