Klaus Scherer
Klaus Scherers conducts research into many aspects of emotions, with special emphasis on 1) emotion-constituent appraisal processes, 2) expression of emotion and stress in voice and speech, 3) facial expression of emotion, 3) central and peripheral physiological reaction patterns, and 4) subjective experience of emotional processes.[2]
Klaus Scherer (1943), holds the chair for Emotion Psychology at the University of Geneva and directs the Geneva Emotion Research Group. He teaches Introduction to the Psychology of Emotion. His major research is the further theoretical development and empirical test of his Component Process Model of Emotion (CPM).
Klaus Scherer’s current research interests concern the further theoretical development and empirical validationof his Component Process Model of emotion (CPM), specifically the modeling of appraisal processes and the synchronization of action tendencies, motor expression, and physiological reaction patterns, as well as the reflection of these processes in subjective experience.
Klaus Scherer Quotes
In evaluating the appropriateness of an emotional response, people will often compare an emotional reaction to how a normal person would have reacted in a specific situation. Klaus Scherer
Emotion also strongly affect social interaction. Your interaction with the man will be very different depending on whether you are frightened or angry. Of particular importance is emotional signalling, via expressive behaviour. Klaus Scherer
Emotions is a ubiquitous phenomenon in human social behaviour. As a mechanism selected in the course of evolution it subserves adaptation to significant changes in the physical and social environment by allowing the flexible choice of response alternatives. However, emotions at the same time automatically produce action tendencies that prepare adaptive action.Klaus Scherer
1. DGPS. Preise und Ehrungen im Jahr 2008. Retrieved August, 2009, from https://www.dgps.de/aktivitaeten/preise/2008.php.
1. Geneva Emotion Research Group. Retrieved July 2014, from https://neurocenter.unige.ch/groups/scherer.php.
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