How To Improve Self Esteem: Self Esteem Online Mini Course

This mini course that I have developed for you is filled with strategies that can help you to start to build your Self-Esteem right away.
All of these principles that you’ll find within the free self esteem online course, I have applied to my personal life. This course is not theory, is full of proven practical techniques that work.
As you read each day’s message, be sure to sit in a quiet place and take your time in reflecting on the message. Self-esteem building is not a mysterious process. It’s a matter of practicing a few mindful activities for a few minutes each and every day. The more you practice, the more you will come to accept and even love yourself.
As you practice the techniques I talk about, use a notepad or journal to write down your insights and experiences. This is a critical part of the process. This way you can not only measure your progress but also record insights into yourself that only you can gain.
This Is What You Will Learn:
- Part 1: Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life
- Part 2: Unconditional Love
- Part 3: You Come First
- Part 4: Integrity
- Part 5: Review of the Principles
- Part 6: Setting your Goals
For each lesson you will get exercises.
By The End Mini Course You Will Have Learned
#1) The first 4 steps that you can take now to start building your self esteem
#2) How to set goals to start building your self esteem now.
What Others Have Said About This Mini Course
“Hi Carla, I am in the 3rd part. I still can feel the freshness, which I felt on the 2nd part. After I wrote the self-forgiveness part, I read yours. Each and every word, I felt, it was me. Many times I used to feel that others are quite better than me. Inferiority complex comes to, but I am the worst. This was the feeling I had. But after reading that I felt I am not the only one. Obviously I knew the solution for self esteem, but making oneself come out of that and constantly motivated is quite different. Many times you become so much frustrated that you almost give up and next time you need to begin again.
I feel with your course, I feel better and a constant “hey awake” feel…. You just have to bring that attitude “I don’t care what nuts”. It’s just the self-love. We easy love our spouse or lover, but it is so much different when it come to loving myself. Regards, Bhuvana.”
“Easy to read and follow. The exercises and examples are great”.
” I love the info. Hi Carla, I did the first of your exercises and since then I feel so much better with myself. I am more optimist and more happy. I know that this process, gaining my esteem, is going to take a lot of time, but I guess I am going in the right way. I just wanted to thank you for this course, it is really useful”. Luis G.
“I haven’t much to say, only that it has helped give me a push in the direction I know I should be heading. Sometimes I forget. I would like to thank you for your honesty and generosity. It made me conscious of some things that I already knew”.
“I love the info”. Susan B.
“Thank you SO much! I’m really enjoying the exercises, so didn’t want to miss one! “. Chantelle B.
“I can’t thank you enough for your time and energy you put into helping people like me. “.Tanya D