Anger Problems: 4 Steps To Manage Anger

Anger is defined as a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility. [1] It is an emotion that arise when an important rules that you hold for your life has been violated by somebody, including yourself.

According to the medical dictionary is an emotional state that may range in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage. Anger has physical effects including raising the heart rate and blood pressure and the levels of adrenaline and nor adrenaline.

What are the signs of anger problems? Some signs of anger problems are Passive aggressiveness , rage, getting angry too often, blaming others , disproportionate agression and anger lasting too long.

Anger can be caused by external or internal events. An external event could be that you feel angry toward specific person , situation or problems. An internal event such as personal problems, past memories or even disloyalty to yourself may cause angry feelings.

Angry feelings arise in response to an injury. The external expression can be found in facial expressions, body language, physiological responses, and public acts of aggression.

Anger is a powerful emotion and in general people hurt others when they feel this emotion. Angers leads to problems like aggressive behavior an even violence. We deteriorate our relationships , specially when we react toward others or situation in a passive-aggressive behavior.

For example: a friend wants you to be at a place at a certain time and you don’t want. So you agree to meet with the person and show up late, making your friend wait.

Anger also leads to physical problems, especially if you suppress your feelings. According to the University of Minnesota studies indicated that increases the likelihood of a heart attack and violence in families.

It appears that suppressed angry feelings is not the major factor, but rather the lack of control over the situations that cause these feelings which determines the long-term health effects of anger. Constant angry feelings also cause frequent colds, high blood pressure and many more diseases.

Anger Problems

Anger is a deep feeling. It is an emotion that is natural and safe when you’re frustrated, upset, annoyed, or disappointed. It may be the outcome of something that happens to you, someone else said, done, or recalled. Anger may be helpful or harmful to you, depending on how to react to it. It will be nice if you can respond without harm. When we need to defend ourselves, this is beneficial and will inspire you to improve things. However, it can also lead you to press in ways you shouldn’t. Anger is an instinctive and inevitable reaction to attacks. For our survival, some anger is required. Anger becomes a concern when you find it impossible to manage because you say or do things you regret. A 2010 study showed that your physical and mental health is seriously affected by excessive aggression. You and the environment will often rapidly develop into verbal or physical force.

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In psychology, the word aggression refers to various actions that can harm oneself, others, or objects, including physical and psychological. It may sign a basic mental health disorder, drug use, or a medical condition. Although we sometimes consider aggression as only physical forms such as punching or kicking, it may often be extremely damaging to relational aggression. Examples of verbal, mental, and emotionally abusive actions include intimidation or verbal counseling. Aggression has different types; the main three types are:

  1. Passive Aggression

People with passive-aggressive behavior, instead of controlling it directly, subtly show their bad feelings. This separates what you say from what you do. For example, someone is proposing a work plan. People with passive aggression will reject the proposal, but they claim they agree with it, instead of expressing their opinions. However, when they are against the plan, they resist it. They will intentionally ignore deadlines, attend meetings late, and even compromise the schedule. Another explanation is this: a woman is studying in the same room as her boyfriend. She’s angry at him, so she blows the sound on her desktop to annoy him, rather than telling him she’s mad at him. Some typical symptoms of passive aggression include:

  • Bitterness and hostility to the requests of other citizens
  • Intentionally delays or errors when answering the requests of other peoples
  • Having an aggressive, pessimistic, or hostile mood
  • Sometimes complaining about unknown or deceived feelings

Passive behavior is not a medical condition, so that a doctor cannot diagnose it. A qualified mental health specialist still will help you identify a psychological problem that needs treatment. You will raise questions about your signs and behaviors, like the start of your life, work and relationships, and their consequences. You should schedule a psychologist’s appointment if you believe that you have passive-aggressive behavior. The psychologist will be prompted to complete multiple questionnaires about the symptoms, feelings, and personal history. Besides, the psychologist will ask you a question about your childhood and your anxiety conveying experiences. They will allow you to cope with your passive-aggression behaviors until potential environmental causes have been recognized.

  1. Open Aggression

On the other hand, some people appear to anger and fury, become aggressive violently or verbally, and even injure themselves or others. This is called open aggression. This is the way we fight, intimidate, threaten, accuse, scream, and bicker, sarcasm, and criticize. The need to be in control of open aggression is a consequence. Would you like a hand in dealing with open aggression? Learn about ‘assertive aggression’ ahead. Anger may often be reflected on the property or even on ourselves. Your interests are valid and polite, but open violence occurs when you fully shadow others’ desires by relying on your interests. The effect is a crippling insensitivity that cannot take into account the desires or experiences of another person. It feels like you have the right to do whatever you can to defend yourself or get what you need, and your hurting and desperation is so great.

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Open aggression also comes from a position when the person has been badly hurt and abused. You may have learned from previous encounters that only loudness and intimidation is the best way to get people to listen to and take you seriously. Open aggression is intense and protects you from being harmed by others. It gives you the power and always feels like you are the only one. Someone was incorrect about you, after all! What do you do?   Only take it and sit back?

  1. Assertive Aggression

By being controlled and trusted, talking and listening, and open to dealing with the problem, the healthier way to deal with frustration is. This assertive aggression can allow relationships to improve. Before you speak, it means listening, being secure about how you articulate it, and open to the ‘other hand’ and versatile. It implies being patient, not raising your voice, expressing how physically you are, and just wanting to understand what others do. You prove that you are confident and think for your relationships and yourself when you deal with anger assertively.

Forgiveness is often important; be open to forgiveness if a person has apologized for making you upset, or if you know that the situation is ‘not worth it.’ And they are ready to be forgiven and to forgive themselves! This will encourage you to settle down, which will enable your connections with others to grow. Don’t forget that you are essential. Your life matters, and in this world, you will make a difference.

Steps for Anger Management

  1. Be aware of your feelings. Say: “Yes, I am angry. “. In order to identify the emotion you have to recognize your feelings.
  2. The second step is to take responsibility for your feelings. Some people or situation may contribute with this angry feelings but you have chosen to feel angry over other emotions. So, take responsibility for your feelings without blaming anyone or any situation.
  3. Know the causes. Think about the real causes . What am I feeling angry about and why am I feeling this? . Sometimes the emotion of anger is not about a present event, most of the time the event triggers an unresolved wound from the past.
  4. Release the angry feelings. Solve the internal wound by releasing the real issue about it . Write down what you are feeling, list a all the details that you can about your angry feelings. This is the best way to clarify the issues. Use any releasing technique you like . You can use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) , Self-hypnosis Techniques , or any other that suit you the best for releasing these feelings.
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Final Verdict

Anger is a natural emotion, so you might have anger concerns if your anger feels out of control or influences your relationships. A mental health specialist will assist you in working with your frustration and consider the underlying problems of mental health that could contribute. You will keep the anger under control with anger management and other treatments. There’s no room for frustration to get in the way of you having a peaceful, complete life. See a psychologist or mental wellbeing provider whether you’re feeling intense angry. They can help you to recognize which specialist treatments will help you deal with them. What’s more, you will discover multiple ways to control your frustration at home. You’ll be able to manage your frustration more effectively and boost your quality of life with patience and persistent effort.

Anger provides and opportunity to heal what is hurting you and empower you to solve the problems involved. By managing and transforming anger and working with the underlying difficulties you are creating a better life. Stop damaging your relationships and your health .

Anger can help set limits in relationships and needs to be used with respect and wisdom. When you know how to respond in a positive way you can tap into an unlimited source of personal power. Managing anger can show you how to work towards your wants without rage, aggression or controlling behaviors.

Do you need help with  managing your anger?

Manage your anger pack 

The Manage Your Anger Pack contains these 5  sessions:

  • Anger Management :improve your anger management skills and set the scene for the rest of the program.
  • Be More Tolerant: improve your ability to tolerate what might have irritated you before.
  • Overcome Perfectionism: to improve your relationships
  • Walk in Others’ Shoes: learn to understand other people and how they see the world.
  • Keep a Cool Head: Improve your ability to remain calm when you are under fire.

How this hypnosis download for anger management  work?

By listening to this recordings

  • You will feel more relax
  • You will notice that your anger is less and less
  • You will be able to calm yourself if you find yourself getting angry
  • You will feel more in control
  • Your relationships will improve

Download Manage your anger pack   and start changing your life.  You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app

Anger Management has been purchased by 4,398 customers.

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