
Wellness is practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health , so that instead of just surviving, you’re thriving.

La Peur De L’Abandon

La Peur De L’Abandon

Ce que vous craignez le plus – l’abandon, le rejet, l’échec, la perte, l’humiliation – vous est déjà arrivé. Deepak…
Les Femmes et L’Estime de Soi

Les Femmes et L’Estime de Soi

Beaucoup des femmes qui souffrent d’une faible estime de soi sont dans cette situation parce qu’elles ont absorbé des messages…
Carla Valencia

Carla Valencia

Hi, this is Carla. I love personal development and my mission is to empower people in this practice.. My website is an online to help people thrive instead of survive. I hope you enjoy your time exploring our site and that you find valuable information to help you live a better life

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Overcoming Jealousy

Overcoming jealousy can be hard sometimes. Jealousy is an emotion that shows up when there is a threat in a relationship. Jealousy in a relationship is the wish to keep for ourselves the person we love.