8 Books For Anxiety To Read In 2023

anxiety books


If you’re dealing with anxiety, you are not alone, the good news is that anxiety, in all its forms, is treatable. The most common treatments for anxiety is a psychotherapy, learning techniques to manage stress, doing physical exercise and sometimes taking  medication.
How do you deal with aging anxiety? You can deal with aging anxiety with  a combination of talk therapy and medication. Numerous studies have indicated that for a medication to be most effective, the patient should also be meeting a therapist, a social worker, a counselor, and also biofeedback, massage, acupuncture and meditation. 
Self-help books can be a good way for you to learn about new techniques or try new things you have not tried before. The books below offer a variety of  ways to manage anxiety symptoms from different perspectives.

What is Anxiety

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US, it affects 19.1% of the population from 18 years old and older. 

People who suffer from anxiety might also suffer from depression, but there is a difference between feeling anxious sometimes and having an anxiety disorder. Some anxiety symptoms include:

  • Feeling nervous, restless or tense
  • Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom
  • Having difficulty controlling worry
  • Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) problems

When to see a doctor about your anxiety

Books are an excellent source to help you understand anxiety, find examples of people that have overcome it, and help you to figure out if you’re just having anxiety sometimes or if you are suffering from an anxiety disorder. 

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Treatment options

There are several approaches and treatments to help you overcome anxiety. 

List of Anxiety books

Coping with Anxiety

Ten simple steps to overcoming the problem , many tips that range from Thinking realistically to Taking constructive coping actions. Include exercises.

by Edmund J. Bourne (Author), Lorna Garano (Author)





Helping Your Anxious Child

Strategies and techniques parents can combine into a comprehensive self-help program for managing a child’s worry while building self-control.

by Vanessa Cobham (Author), Ronald M. Rapee (Author), Sue Spence (Author)




Depressed and Anxious

Identify symptoms , calm your anxious mind · Regulate dramatic mood shifts · Learn how to soothe yourself · energy and enthusiasm.

by Thomas Marra PhD (Author)




Beyond Anxiety and Phobia

Describes alternative therapies such as herbs, yoga, massage, acupuncture, and addresses the impact of perfectionism and other personality issues.

by Edmund J. Bourne (Author)




Living Fully with Shyness and Social Anxiety:

Setting effective goals such as initiating a conversation with one person every day and specific verbal and physical techniques about job interviews, public speaking, dating and even everyday.





Mastery of Your Anxiety and Worry: Workbook

Includes all the information necessary to learn the appropriate skills to combat their excessive worry. When used in conjunction with the corresponding therapist guide, this book provides a complete treatment package.



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The Ten Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques

Everything from breathing techniques and mindful awareness to cognitive control and self-talk are included—all guaranteed to evict your anxious thoughts. 20 illustrations





Managing Social Anxiety

The workbook includes information about a variety of interventions, such as exposure, cognitive re-framing, and medication.





Free Anxiety Online Course

Click here to find out more about the Free Online Anxiety Course

Discover How to Manage your Anxiety to Transform you Life. Learn about this common, yet often overlooked disorder right now …

Anxiety books can be wonderful resource for those experiencing symptoms of these mental health disorders. They’re often written by people who have anxiety disorders and have learn to overcome them or by mental health professionals or others who have experienced anxiety themselves.

Frequently asked questions about anxiety

Do self-help books for anxiety actually work? Self-help books can be an excellent source to understand anxiety. They can offer:

  • actionable tips
  • practical exercises
  • examples
  • resources for further treatment

Depending on your level of anxiety self-help books alone may not be enough to help you manage your symptoms. It is recommended that you work with a professional to have a diagnosis.

What are natural ways to deal with anxiety? In the meantime, you can deal with anxiety using natural treatments. Some natural ways to deal with anxiety are:

  1. Aromatherapy
  2. Grounding exercises
  3. Yoga
  4. Self-hypnosis

You can also make lifestyle adjustments 

If you’d like to learn more about natural treatments for anxiety, consider reading our in-depth article.

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